A 'Truly Scrumptious' performance from our Senior School pupils!
What an amazing week it was for the Senior Performing Arts Department towards the end of the Autumn Term! A cast and crew of 76 pupils, six teachers and seven visiting professional musicians created three memorable performances that saw audiences richly entertained in our production of “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”. Putting on a full-scale musical in ten weeks is a huge ask, but once again the cast did us proud. They absolutely raised their game when it mattered and pulled three amazing performances out of the bag, despite illness, School commitments and external pressures.
The principal roles were portrayed with professionalism and panache, giving the audience plenty to laugh about with their superb comic delivery, the ensemble song and dance routines were joyful and full of energy and the huge chorus of chefs, car enthusiasts, Vulgarians and “Old Bambooers” gave their all in every moment of this entertaining and memorable show. The set, the costumes, the make up, the lighting, the incredible flying car (!). I could go on for pages about how wonderful it looked and what an amazing job everyone did, but the audience saw that for themselves and raised the roof with each final ovation. “Truly Scrumptious” thanks are due to the amazing team of Lisa Lee, Mrs Honey, Mrs Punter, Mrs Douglas, Mrs Kerr, Mr Forrester and Miss Barnes but the biggest thanks of all are to the pupils involved – we are so very proud of you, and you deserve all the plaudits you are receiving.
Please visit the photo gallery to see the wonderful photos -