Year 4 visit Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden for a creative writing trip
On Tuesday, Year 4 visited the Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden in Ockley. The sun beamed down on us while the children practised their drawing, photography and creative writing in the woodland garden. The class were bubbling over with enthusiasm and imagination, making bountiful suggestions for vocabulary, similes and potential storylines. We are now linking these ideas together back in the classroom to create their own narratives. This morning we focused on creating story openings that hook the reader into wanting to read on further. Here are some examples of their exciting introductory paragraphs, which were inspired by the sculptures that they saw and I, for one, can't wait to see how the rest of the stories unfold:
"Magic, magic crystal ball, who will come to Arden today?" spoke Merlin in a strong voice. There, through the glimmering ball lay two beautiful girls waiting for a strong adventure. Tansy-Bela T
Suddenly there was a strange glimmer of a shape, like a shooting star, speeding towards the earth in the forest. BANG! The meteor hit the ground. Joe walked along and saw a massive hole. He adjusted his eyes and saw a ginormous rock which was making the forest black and turn to dust. As he watched the forest disappear he heard a strange voice coming from a tree, "You must find the key and attach it to the portal which will cure the earth." Levi L
Once there was a man called Anderson but Anderson was no ordinary man. He was a man with super powers! Anderson's super power was that he could go as thin as paper, and then as fat as a hippo, as small as a mouse or as tall as a hundred-storey building. Elliott S
Mrs Nicholson