Anti-Bullying Week
Duke of Kent School have been taking part in activities this week to observe Anti-Bullying Week. Pupils took part in the Odd Socks Day to show support for individualism and diversity. Children from the Senior School and Prep School have been discussing how important it is to be kind, reassuring, supportive and respectful of the people around us. PSHE lessons have allowed pupils to reflect on their own and each others behaviour; they have debated how we can continue striving to keep bullying out of Duke of Kent School. Senior pupils will be given a chance to enter their storyboard ideas for a Duke of Kent School anti-bullying video. The Prep School pupils have entered a competition to produce cartoons promoting anti-bullying. The Art Department have helped pupils to create a very powerful piece of work using photographs and handprints to spell out the message 'Push Bullying Out', this will be displayed in the school.
The week concluded with children from the Prep and Senior School spelling out RESPECT! on the front bank. Thank you to all of the pupils and staff who have made this week so rewarding!
Mr Herbert