Physical Education and Pre-prep Sport
In Nursery children are given daily opportunities to develop their balance, coordination and gross motor skills. The playground has bicycles for riding, climbing frames to climb and planks for balancing. The nursery children are often out in the grounds of the school, sliding down banks on homemade cardboard surfboards or building igloos in the snow. Forest School provides more opportunities for climbing, balancing, swinging and just running.
PE lessons start in Reception and are taken by dedicated PE Staff. Ball skills are taught and coordination and balance is improved. By Year 2 the children join the whole school Games department when they start football, tag rugby, cricket, netball and athletics. Pupils start to experience their first competitive matches and are carefully prepared for this exciting development.Swimming is taught from Reception and takes place in the School pool weekly. A Pre-prep Swimming Gala is held towards the end of the Summer Term when parents are invited to see for themselves the improvements the children have made in both skills and confidence.