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The Summer Term traditionally ends with the hugely anticipated Pre-prep Dance Show. Choreographed by our dance teacher Lisa Lee, this show sees every single pupil in Pre-prep involved, learning the dances in their weekly dance lessons and then performing in our Performing Arts Hall. Lisa always uses a wonderfully wide range of musical styles and creates a brilliantly imaginative interpretation of a classic story. This year was no different with the children performing a fun and colourful version of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' to a rapturous audience!

Our Year 2 children were stunning in the main parts. The “naughty children” who wanted to eat all the sweets were duly escorted off-stage and put behind bars by some very stern looking police officers! The pupils from other classes performed some great routines as confectionery: Nursery as popcorn, Reception as lollipops and Year 1 as nuts and squirrels. Nursery also provided the workforce of Oompa Loompas, who danced with incredible enthusiasm and had great stage presence for their tender years.

The whole show was a magical experience in dance, exuding fun, colour and humour. Every single cast member was amazing, and the applause raised the roof. What a wonderful and memorable way for Pre-prep to end their year!