Prep School News
Prep School have been redoubling their efforts this week to follow our no-touch policy at break times, and Chloe, our School Nurse, has been particularly pleased. Taking responsibility for our own actions in this way shows maturity and consideration for others, and we have been celebrating these traits in other ways too. Our line-up for School Council is now complete, and all those who stood to be elected - whether successful or not - are to be warmly congratulated.
The announcement of Year 6 House Captains, too, was greatly anticipated, and the Prep School teachers feel confident that Heath P (Whittle), Lucy P (Chichester), Rhys W (Armstrong) and Jamie C (Hillary) will fulfil their duties sensibly, and with great enthusiasm.
Values Certificates this week were awarded to:
Jasmine W (Year 3) for showing kindness towards her peers.
Arthur D-K (Year 6) for taking responsibility for protecting the environment, creating a stunning series of campaign posters that we have been marvelling at along the Prep corridor this week. He's inspired the whole department, gaining many signatures for various personal pledges.
Lastly, please remember that all Prep pupils must have a coat, waterproof trousers and wellies in School at all times; Autumn has most certainly arrived in the last few days, and we want the children to be outside at break times, come rain or shine.
Mr Wright