My highlight of the week in Pre-prep was seeding the wondrous array of costumes worn by Year 2 on Wednesday for their Oceans Day explorations. Octopuses, squid, sharks, fish and even a very lifelike jellyfish were just some of the marine animals chosen by the children, and brought spectacularly to life in their creations. The children were also on top form in the water themselves, this week, showing enthusiasm and resilience in the pool. We are introducing a new award to Pre-prep Star Assembly, with a certificate for Swimmer of the Week.
Year 6 enjoyed a visit to the Senior Science labs this week, learning about and trying different methods to separate mixtures, following a demonstration of distillation from our Head of Science, Mrs Tattan-Robb. In English, Year 6 were also taking on the role of inventors, creating a variety of inventions inspired by their class novel 'Holes', and then advertising them with their developing persuasive writing skills. Florence A's 'Hat of Everything' is already on my Birthday wishlist. Year 4's writing has been aimed towards untangling the mystery of the koh-i-poor diamond theft, although it may be a few more weeks before the culprit is revealed!
Lastly, I can't sign off without mentioning the superb efforts of the Prep pupils on the cross-country track this week. It was simply wonderful to witness so many personal bests being achieved, whether they finished first or last in the field. Such grit and perseverance will serve them all well in many other ways, I am sure. Year 6 even used some of their running data to help them learn about speed, distance and time calculations in Maths, calculating how long it would take them to reach Guildford, and how far they could get if they ran for 3 hours. What an ambitious lot!
Stars of the Week
Nursery: Felix for settling into school life so comfortably and for his happy participation in the school day.
Imogen W for working with greater independence and good participation in phonic and numeracy activities.
Reception: Athena dPL for a fantastic attitude to learning, you give everything a go and always display positivity.
Fliss F for careful writing in phonics and applying our newly learnt sounds.
Year 1: Sofia T for showing independence in your handwriting skills. Miss Walpole and Mrs Richmond both said that you were a super listener, and it showed in your work. Well done!
Zara S for your phonics work this week. You did a fantastic job at identifying words with adjacent consonants. Overall, your focus and effort has been super.
Year 2: Eliza H for an incredibly creative Ocean Day costume. You looked brilliant, Miss Jellyfish!
Charles L for your wonderful effort and focus during independent tasks. You have developed a healthy attitude towards challenging yourself.
Mr Wright