Prep and Pre-prep News
This week we have welcomed Year 2 and Year 4 back to School, and the sunshine made a welcome return too! Miss Able and Mrs Nicholson have been hugely impressed with how quickly the children adapted to the new rules and new classrooms, but the chatter, the smiles, the effort and the progress have all been much more familiar!
Those remote learning have continued to produce some lovely work. You can see what Sam R and Isabelle S got up to on No Screen Day if you visit the Prep School Google Classroom, and there have been several wonderful mock-umentaries created in the style of Sir David Attenborough as Y5 have been continuing their work on life-cycles in Science. In fact, Y5 can look forward to not only returning to School next week, but also a Conservation Day on Thursday. We look forward to welcoming them back on Monday and hope you all enjoy a restful weekend in the meantime.
Value awards for this week are:
Effort - Jake L, Henry C, Oscar H, Phoebe A, Auberon P and Tom S
Kindness - Daisy R and Patrick W
Respect - Chester S
Here is a link to the Prep and Pre-prep podcasts too, enjoy:
Mr Wright