Prep and Pre-prep News
I must begin by congratulating the children who have returned to School this week for showing such adaptability and a wonderfully positive approach to all the new procedures. Children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 may have been feeling some apprehension about what it was going to be like on Monday morning, but it all seems like second nature by now. Well done to all of you! Quentin J commented, "though I've only been here since Thursday, I'm finding it superb back at school, though there are more rules thrown in"! Everyone has enjoyed being able to see other people again. Sydney R said, "social distancing is really annoying because we have all waited three months to hug and see our friends, and now we are back to school we can't even touch them, but I am really happy that I am finally back, as at least I can see my friends." We look forward to being able to welcome more year groups back as soon as government guidance permits.
Lastly, we thought some of the children might be interested in the 'Dream Big' Festival organised by Puffin Books. The week-long event begins next Monday, and consists of twice-daily workshops run by celebrated authors and illustrators to help inspire children in their creative writing and drawing. If you'd like to find out more, visit the link where you can see the line-up and download an activity pack:
We'd love to see anything the children create! Have a great weekend.
Value awards for this week are:
Effort - Penny A and Troy K
Responsibility - Arthur H
Here is a link to the Prep and Pre-prep podcasts too, enjoy:
Mr Wright