Performing Arts News
House Drama has been launched this week and already plenty of pupils are working on their monologues! pupils can check their Google Classrooms for all the information, or do feel free to email Mrs Honey on
Three Little Birds - It has been a brilliant week for the Three Little Birds Project with over 40 videos being uploaded so please keep those coming. We are hoping we can get a few special guests into it as well!
Summer Concert - The Summer Concert was scheduled to be held on Saturday 27th June and we are looking to honour that date - albeit virtually! Pupils are reminded that they can submit videoed performances to Mr Rye and he will compile a virtual concert. It is open to the whole school and there are plans afoot for performances from The Senior Chamber Choir as well as a few ensemble performances!
Pre-prep Ballet Club has been going strong with Miss Francis. She sends a video of their class every Saturday morning which they dutifully try at home, so if your child would like to be included, please email
Fizz T.V. Mr and Mrs Fizz have been busy keeping Pre-prep entertained musically. If you fancy a laugh then check out Mr Rye's bonkers Mr Fizz videos. Learn to sing a new Fizz song each week. Or just laugh at Mr Rye!
Ukulele Video Lessons - there are now three ukulele videos up on Youtube. If you want to learn how to play the uke then head on over. In the lessons Mr Rye takes you through strumming, chords and you start to learn 'Octopus's Garden' by The Beatles!
Mr Rye's Podcasts - episode 6 is now available. This week a stroll through the world of musical thievery, examining how classical composers have unwittingly composed some classic pop songs!
Mr Rye